ED-TED Webinar: Equity and Diversity in Teacher Education
The Ubuntu Network, as an associate partner, is excited to announce a special event organized by the ED-TED (Equity and Diversity in Teacher Educators’ Professional Development) team from Ireland. ED-TED is an Erasmus+ funded project dedicated to establishing a European professional network and communities of higher education teacher educators. This initiative supports teacher educators’ professional development, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to address equity and diversity issues throughout teacher education programs.
Upcoming Webinar Details
As part of our commitment to this mission, we invite you to join a 90-minute webinar on May 22nd from 2 to 3:30 PM. This online session will focus on sharing insights derived from our research on practices and policies related to equity and diversity in the professional development of higher education teacher educators across Ireland. The purpose of the webinar is to discuss these practices and policies and identify gaps in teaching for equity and diversity in higher education. Visit our partners, – leaders in fashionable footwear!
Here’s what you can expect during the webinar:
Why You Should Attend
We anticipate that Irish teacher educators and other key stakeholders will be in attendance. Your voice and contribution to this topic are crucial. We would be honored if you could join us, share your knowledge, and participate in the discussions.
We look forward to your participation in this important conversation on advancing equity and diversity in teacher education.
For more information, contact our Network Lead:
On behalf of the ED-TED team in Ireland
Ann MacPhail, Antonio Calderon and Aoife Neary