Capacity Building


Capacity Building

Core Area: Capacity Building


We promote active participation, dialogue, and knowledge sharing to strengthen our Ubuntu community. Our events include:

Dialogue Days – Click here
Assembly Gatherings
Research Meets
GCE Seminars – Click here

Core Area: Capacity Building


We organize Communities of Practice (CoPs) and Working Groups (WGs) to unite members in exploring specific aspects of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) within Initial Teacher Education (ITE).

Current CoPs and WGs:

Introducing GCE in ITE
GCE and reflective practice
Self-awareness and for critical GCE
Emerging priority areas in GCE
Ceim Standards

IDEA: Irish Development Education Association

Working with the Code

The Ubuntu Network is a signatory to the IDEA Code of Good Practice for Development Education and completed its second self-assessment in February 2024. Aligned with the Code’s core principles, Ubuntu Network teacher educators and pre-service teachers delve into the root causes of global issues. They employ active pedagogies such as role-play, radio show production, art-based workshops, game-based learning, and film and documentary studies to foster critical thinking for GCE.