Assembly Meeting 2024
The 2024 Assembly Meeting took place 18th January at the Ashling Hotel, Dublin.
9:30 – 10:00am Registration and Welcome
10:00 – 10:50am Ubuntu Matters
Consultation with members on emerging areas of work within the Network including the Ubuntu Céim Research Project, developing of a pilot Exemplar of Practice, and plans to develop a Communications Strategy in 2024.
10:50 – 11:15am Tea, coffee & conversation
11:15 – 12:30pm The Depth Education for Youth (DEFY) project
Charlotte Bishop (Suas) and Sive Bresnihan (Comhlamh)
DEFY is interested in how we and fellow educators engage with feelings of fear, anxiety, grief, shame, defensiveness, guilt, apathy and more that are present in our education spaces when addressing Global Development Issues. This workshop will provide an insight into the project and allow you the opportunity to reflect on your own practice through an anonymized journaling-style tool.
12:30 – 1:45 pm Lunch & further conversation
1:45 – 3:15pm Dialogue on 2023-2024 Projects and Partnerships
Conversations Circles to explore and discuss key questions/considerations arising from 2023-2024 projects as well as the experiences of Partners (UL and UCD) in moving from project to partnership.
3:15- 3:30pm Closing Remarks